Dorian Mode - The Classy ModeYou are now going to learn the Dorian Mode of music. You will get a quick reference guide, plus a free chord chart of the Dorian Mode.

The Dorian Mode is what I personally call “the classy mode”, because it has that emotional sound of the natural minor scale, but without the b6 of Aeolian (minor scale) it still has a touch of hope and elegance from the dominant 7th chord on the 4th degree.

You can play this mode by starting on D, and then play all white keys up to the D an octave above it. Now let’s have a look at a quick overview guide of the Dorian Mode.

The Dorian Mode – Quick Guide

  • Mode Feeling: Classy, Sophisticated, Jazzy, Bluesy
  • Mode Pattern: R – W – h – W – W – W – h – W
  • Mode Formula: 1 – 2 – b3 – 4 – 5 – 6 – b7

D - Dorian Mode

The Dorian Mode – Chord Chart

These are all diatonic triads of the Dorian Mode, plus the diatonic 7th chords in parenthesis.

  • I = minor (min 7)
  • II = minor (min 7)
  • III = Major (Maj 7)
  • IV = Major (Dom 7)
  • V = minor (min 7)
  • VI = diminished (m7b5)
  • VII = Major (Maj 7)

Quick Guides on All 7 Modes

PS. Here’s a link to a free printable modes chord chart.