Hey friends, Mike here. And I am a composer. Just. Like. You. Today I want to share something that I hope can motivate you to take action, find opportunities, and do work that actually take you further on your professional journey in music, step by step. Because you create your own success…you are in control of your future.
The Mistake I made
I made a big mistake for many years. A mistake most music makers and artists do. Only focusing on my music.
Sending it out to labels and publishers, and then basically just sitting and waiting for someone to realize the value, and to get signed.
My Turning Point
My turning point took many years. I started my current company in 2010, but I started making music in 1998. Then I had a day job in hard labour that had one really great advantage. I was allowed to wear headphones and listen to music or whatever I wanted to.
So I listened, for 5 years, to marketing, business and entrepreneur podcasts and audio books. That is a crazy amount of information I digested. Of course I don’t remember it all, but the main point is that it transformed my mindset. Made me more aware that the product, in this case my music, is not enough. And sitting and waiting to be noticed by someone who can take my career further, is definitely not the answer either.
The Simple Solution
The answer is simple. You are in control of your future. Especially as a music composer today, when you don’t even need a label. Also, making a career as a music artist focusing on entertainment for people, is incredibly hard. I found out that there are so many ways, so many paths you can take in your music career. Personally I found that I had a great passion for teaching many people. But I don’t really care for writing books. Well I found that teaching online with video based courses, was a path I enjoyed. So that became my main focus.
You have so Many Choices
There are so many other paths, other than the traditional artist path. For example, even if you make music for entertainment, you don’t actually need to tour and play live shows anymore. Today there are many artists making a living from YouTube doing great music videos and performances. Or playing your music in live streams, to get even more connected with your audience.
Then there’s the music for business world, which I mainly want to build my career in. You can for example compose custom music, for TV, Movies, Games or other media productions. Or go into the world of music licensing, which means you create tracks that are suitable for background music in media. Then you sign with a music library, to get your music licensed for use in any type of media production.
No one can Climb for You
The main point is that you should not wait for others to pull you up the ladder. You need to climb it yourself. First find which paths, or ladders, you find interesting for your career. Composing custom music, composing library music, teaching, writing articles, creating sample libraries and sample packs…or whatever you enjoy the most. There are more than one path, and you don’t even have to stick to the same one. Try out several, and then continue climbing the ones that you enjoy, and see results from.
My Success Recipe
Here is the secret recipe to success in music from my own experience:
- Find your True Fields of Passion within Music
- Try Climbing the Ladders to find which ones work best for you
- Focus your Time and Energy on those Ladders
Also, another realisation I have made over the years is that there are so many things that you need to focus on as an entrepreneur. And yes, you are running a business if you are creating your own career within music. But for me, I’ve found 3 main fields that have made a huge impact on my career in music.
My 3 Fields of Focus
Here are some things I have found to be important:
1 – Connect with People in the Music Industry
How? Bringing great value to others, is the only way to build good business relationships. Make sure to collect your contacts in a spreadsheet with their: Name, Website, Email, Expert Field, How you know them, and any other extra fields you want to add. And always, always, always: Make the counter-part benefit and gain value from the relationship, and every time you approach them. Be a person of great value, and you will find that getting new connections is as easy as swimming is to a fish.
2 – Choose your Professional Circle
You will get so much more motivation and positive energy if you connect and focus your online communications with people that are hard working, super ambitious people like yourself. People with not only a dream, but people that are already on their journey. Basically, you want to connect with other ladder climbers. Because these are the people that will push you, guide you, motivate you and even help you on your journey. The people still standing on the ground, with a dream but lack of will for hard work. They will only drag you down.
3 – Build your own Business
Your product, is your music, or your skills within music. But I have learned the hard way, that having a skill or a product is not enough. You have to build a business. Which means so many things: Like building your own brand, website, setting up and implementing marketing strategies on a consistent basis, and so much more. Because as a music composer, even if you don’t think about this, you are in fact running a business. Even if it’s not on paper. You are selling your own products, your own services, based on your own skills. That’s a business!
Summary: Climb your Success Ladders
I am still climbing my own ladders. Have you found your ladders yet? Your true passions within music, ladders that work best for your journey? Because again, you are in control. And the time we live in today, is full of opportunities and freedom like never before.
Your Action Time!
Do you have BIG DREAMS as a composer? Is creating music your biggest passion in life?
Is becoming a professional composer, and creating a successful career in music your true dream? Well, what are you waiting for? Go for it, follow your heart and dreams!
- Don’t waste any more time
- Don’t wait for something to happen
- Don’t hope for success to come to you
Shape your Future
- Level Up your Music Skills
- Advance your Composer Career
- Create your Future in Music
Join my Music Composer Academy Today
PS. I wish you Great Success on your Professional Journey in Music! =)
Friendly regards,
Mikael “Mike” Baggström
Music Composer | Sound Designer