Lyre Harp QuestionsWhat is a Lyre Harp?

A lyre is basically a small version of a harp, with open strings that are tuned diatonically (meaning in a specific key). Traditionally it was designed in the shape looking like a “U”.

You play it by holding the instrument in one hand, and plucking the strings with your other hand. 

How many Strings does a Lyre Harp have?

The number of strings can be as few as 7 (which was common in ancient times), to as many as 24 or more. More strings means a greater range of notes (octaves), but you should be aware that it can add more frustrations with tuning.

If you want to simply play harmonies and arpeggios for backing to your singing or melodic playing on another instrument I highly recommend you to get a lyre with fewer strings (7 to 16).

Is the Lyre Harp good for Beginners?

Yes, the lyre is a very easy instrument to learn how to play, since it is tuned diatonically it will basically sound good whatever you play.

It’s a very simple design, and making notes that sound good is very easy compared to many other instruments.

The lyre is also a very quiet and soft instrument, which means practicing without annoying others will be easy.

The only real issue for most people will be tuning the strings, which you have to do often since it is a string instrument, and it can be very frustrating since most lyres don’t have tuning pegs, but tuning screws based on friction alone.

Learning to Play the Lyre Harp

If you want a complete guide to learn how to play this amazing and relaxing instrument, I have made this course that you can check out here: Learn How to Play the Lyre Harp.

How does a Lyre Harp Sound?

The lyre is a very soothing and peaceful sound, with soft sustaining notes as you pluck the strings. Here is a sound example of the lyre harp: