Music Instruments for Meditation and HealingMusic and sounds are amazing, because they can be meditative, calming, soothing, peaceful and even healing.

In fact, music instruments and sounds have been used throughout history in religion and spiritual settings for meditation, contemplation and connecting with the spirits.

Some are percussive like drums, both tonal and non tonal. Others are melodic like deep flutes and harps. And then there are instruments that are more like ambience creators. Instruments that sing, ring and sustain with an almost magical tone.

Let’s explore my top recommendations for instruments you can play for meditation and sound healing. All of these are easy to learn even for beginners of music:

7 Best Instruments for Meditation

  1. Frame Drums (shaman drums)
  2. Singing Bowls (crystal or metal)
  3. Gongs (and tuning forks)
  4. Native American Flutes
  5. Kalimba (thumb piano)
  6. Lyre Harp (lap harp)
  7. Handpan (or tongue drum)

Bonus Tips for Meditation & Healing Music

Playing your instrument in a soft and delicate manner will give you a more peaceful mood. Soft, slow, long sustaining notes, and low in volume.

I also recommend finding a good setting and for playing your instrument. Perhaps lighting some candles, and generally create an atmosphere that is calm and peaceful.