How to create Music Project Templates

Create DAW Project TemplatesWelcome! In this class you will learn how to create an amazing music project template in your music production software, also called DAW (Digital Audio Workstation).

You can create different project templates for different styles of music, or you can do 1 single master project template that you can use for any genre of music.

You will learn about:

  • Settings & Preferences
  • Sketch & Mockup
  • Tracks & Groups
  • Mixing & Effects

The goal is to have a perfect starting point in your music software, so that you can avoid wasting time on searching for instruments and sounds, activating features and settings, routing audio signals, or any other technical frustrations.

This way you will be free to start focusing on the fun and creative parts of making music, as soon as you open up your project template in your music production software.

Are you ready? Let’s start learning!

Settings & Preferences

You don’t want to set up all settings and preferences inside your DAW and new project, every time you start a new track. Which is why I highly recommend that the first thing you do when creating a project template, is to make sure you have all settings, preferences and overall features and layout, exactly as you want them.

There are countless settings you can choose, so I can’t show them all, and they can also differ depending on your music software, but here are some of the main parts I make sure to go through when creating a project template:

  • Project Preferences
  • Toolbar & Tools
  • Tracks & Sequencer
  • Piano Roll Settings

Sketch & Mockup

At the very top of my project template, I always create a sketch and mockup folder with tracks representing the key elements of music: melody, harmony, rhythm and percussion. This way you can instantly start brainstorming, sketching ideas, and even create a quick mockup of the essence of your new track.

Mockup Folder

  1. Percussion: Drum Kit
  2. Rhythm: Bass
  3. Harmony: Piano
  4. Melody: Strings

If you want to use a simpler version, you can create a single music sketching track at the top of your sequencer. For example with a piano, where you can record ideas for melodies, chords, rhythm, bass lines etc. on 1 single track.

The main point is to always have a way of brainstorming and sketching your ideas, instantly available right at the top of your music project.

Tracks & Groups

Adding tracks in a new project with instruments, sounds and presets, is something that can take a lot of time. So I like having some of this already prepared in my music project templates. Here are the things I like to start with:

  • Folders & Groups
  • MIDI Tracks
  • Audio Tracks
  • Names, Icons & Colors

Mixing & Effects

Effects are essential in modern music production of any style of music. In a project template, I recommend you to have a chain of insert effects on each mixing group, as well as audio tracks.

Then I like to have send effects for different types of reverbs and delay effects. That way everything is routed and ready for use as soon as I start a new music production. Here are the effects I usually have in my project templates:

  • Mixing Groups (Bus Channels)
  • Insert Effects on Group Channels
  • Insert Effects on Audio Tracks
  • Insert Effects on MIDI Tracks
  • Send Effects (Reverbs, Delays)

Action – Create a Project Template

Congratulations! You have now learned the amazing efficiency of creating and using project templates for music production. And you have also learned my top tips and personal recommendations for things to include  inside your project template. Now, what you choose to add will depend on what you prefer for your workflow.

But in any case, it is time for you to learn by doing. Create your own project template from scratch in your music production software. It does not have to be perfect.

In fact, I always make changes and optimisations in my track templates. But at least you will have a great starting point for whenever you want to make a new track. Good luck, and have fun experimenting with creating project templates for music production!

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