Gbmaj7 Piano ChordThis is a quick guide and free chord chart for the Gbmaj7 chord.

Gbmaj7 is short for Gb Major 7th chord. It is based on a major triad, but adds a major 7th note to create the major 7th chord. This creates a very open and pleasing sound, with a distinct major quality. If you want a complete piano chord guide PDF – click here.

How to Play the Gbmaj7 Chord on Piano

As with all 7th chords, you can play them in 4 different ways depending on the order you choose for the chord notes. Chord inversions are named from the bass note (meaning the lowest chord note in the voicing you choose), like this: C/G (where G is the lowest note). If there is no slash, it means the chord should be played in standard root position.

Gbmaj7 Chord Quick Guide

  • Chord Pattern: Root + M3 + P5 + M7
  • Common Notation: GbM7 or Gbmaj7

Here are the notes of the Gbmaj7 Chord:

  • Root = Gb
  • M3 = Bb
  • P5 = Db
  • M7 = F

Gbmaj7 Piano Chord Charts

1. Gbmaj7 (Root Position) = Gb + Bb + Db + F

Gb Maj 7 Chord on Piano

2. Gbmaj7/Bb (1st Inversion) = Bb + Db + F + Gb

Gb Maj 7 Chord on Piano (1st inversion)

3. Gbmaj7/Db (2nd Inversion) = Db + F + Gb + Bb

Gb Maj 7 Chord on Piano (2nd inversion)

4. Gbmaj7/F (3rd Inversion) = F + Gb + Bb + Db

Gb Maj 7 Chord on Piano (3rd inversion)

Piano Chord Chart PDF – Complete Guide

If you want a complete piano chord guide PDF – click here.