Do you want to add atmospheric warm pads, dirty drones or airy expressive soundscapes in your music? Enter Dronar Master Edition, a Kontakt instrument completely dedicated to atmosphere, pads, drones and textures.
Read on, or Watch my Video Demo on Dronar Master Edition.
What is Dronar Master Edition? Well, basically it is a massive library and sound design tool for atmospheric sounds, pads, and background textures.
The sound library is massive, with 50GB content, 2000 presets divided into 8 modules.
And the great thing is that every module contains a very well categorized sound bank.
- The Playability
Personally I love instruments, plugins and effects that are instantly playable and useable in my music. If I can just dive in and use the specific plugin/library without reading a manual or having to experiment a lot to get what I want, then I am happy. Luckily Dronar Master Edition delivers exactly that, instant playability! - The Sound Structure
I have to admit it, I am a sucker for good, clean and well thought out categorization. It makes things so much faster, easier and more efficient to use.The categorization in Dronar Master Edition is not only divided into all the different modules. You also get a very neatly organized preset folder structure in each module, and even the names of the presets themselves give you a sense of what you will get. - The Low-Mid-High Workflow
I really like that the 3 main layers you use to form and shape your sound are divided into low, mid and high frequency ranges. This makes it very fast to work with, and also super easy to focus on a specific frequency range for the overall sound. For example only adding a low drone, or perhaps a high shimmering pad.
The main downside, which is the case for most instruments like this that uses several layers and sound shaping tools, is that the CPU usage can get quite big. However, since the focus is on background sounds like drones, pads, atmospheres and textures, I often simply bounce to audio or use the freeze function in my DAW.
The second constructive feedback, which is something I personally would like to have access to in this instrument, is a nice and clean master mixer page.
So where does Dronar Master Edition shine? Well, I find that this instrument is perfect for cinematic music, either to add ambience, or even as a main carpet for underscores.
I can also see it being used for tension and drama type scores, for movies/film or games. Basically any time you want to add an ambience and mood in the background of your music.
Learn more about Dronar Master Edition here. Get a full overview and specifications, listen to audio demos etc.