5 Ancient InstrumentsThere are of course many instruments that have descended (shared heritage) from ancient instruments.

The first instruments were for example various drums and percussion instruments no doubt. The first melodic instruments were flutes (bone flutes).

But what about instruments played in ancient times that have stayed pretty much the same in terms of design and overall sound all the way to our modern world. Instruments from the past, that are still used today.

5 Ancient Music Instruments (that survived)

  1. The Lyre
  2. The Xun
  3. The Duduk
  4. The Bamboo Flute
  5. The Lute

The Lyre

The lyre is a small harp that you hold in one hand and play with your other hand. These have been portraid in pictures and paintings for 1000s of years, often played by angels, probably because they have a very enchanting, divine shimmering tone and sustain when played.

The Xun

The Xun is what is called a vessel flute, which is the same family as the ocarina. It looks almost like a big potato shape with holes and a mouth-piece. It was developed several 1000s years ago in China, and has a very mellow, soft and deep tone.

The Duduk

This instrument got a huge spike after the Oscar winning score to Gladiator by Hans Zimmer, where it was used for its warm, smooth and eastern sound. It is a traditional instrument from Armenia, with a special double-reed, and a flute like body.

The Bamboo Flute

Flutes were the first melodic instrument man ever created, and as such, there have been 1000s of variations made over the years. But one simple design have stood the test of time, which is the side-blown bamboo flute with in most cases 6 open holes.

It is simple, diatonic, cheap to make, but with an amazing breathy, wispy and warm tone. It is incredibly common in India and east Asia.

The Lute

The grand-father of fretted string instruments, that sparked variations such as the Arabic Oud, all the way to the modern acoustic guitar.

It may not be common to use today, but if you want that classical ancient medieval or baroque sound, it can do wonders with its double strings and deep round resonant body.