7 Reasons why Tin Whistle is an Amazing InstrumentWhat is this instrument that you call a “tin whistle”, how do you play it, how does it sound, and why it is such an amazing music instrument?

What is a tin whistle?

The tin whistle, also called “penny whistle” or “Irish whistle”, is traditional fipple style flute mainly used in Ireland, but has become popular and spread all over the world.

It is similar to the recorder, but the main difference is that it is diatonic instead of chromatic.

This means that it is based on 7 notes of a key, in most cases D major. The downside is that in order to comfortable play along to songs in different keys, you may need to get a set of tin whistles tuned to different keys.

How do you play a tin whistle?

The fipple design means that it is easy to produce a note on it, since you don’t have to worry about embouchure like on a side-blown flute. You simply put your fingers over the holes of the flute, and blow air through the mouth piece.

And since it is diatonic, it is very easy to learn the finger chart. You simply release one finger at a time to play the scale going up, and the opposite going down.

What is the range of a tin whistle?

It is a high soprano instrument (treble), with a range of 2 full octaves. The lowest note depends on which key the instrument is in, but by far the most common is in D major, where the range is D5 to D7 (depending on the whistle and the player).

How does a tin whistle sound?

The tin whistle has a lovely, delightful and energetic sound. It works extremely well for upbeat, bouncy and rhythmic melodies. But when you get more advanced on this instrument you can also play emotionally with expressive legato, slides, and even vibrato.

7 Reasons why Tin Whistle is an Amazing Instrument

1. Beginner Friendly
Inexpensive, easy sound production, quick to learn.

2. Light & Portable
Small, light, portable, durable and easy to bring anywhere.

3. Easy to Play
Easy on your fingers, lips and air flow.

4. Quick to Tune
It only requires a quick overall tuning and warm up.

5. Agile Instrument
The small holes and finger spacing makes adding decorations easy

6. Very Expressive
The open hole design makes the tin whistle very expressive

7. Versatile Variations
You can get tin whistles in many different keys (standard is in D)